- 2024-25 School Year
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- 2024-25 School Year

- 2024-25 School Year
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- 2024-25 School Year

School Policies for 2024-25 School Year
Fee Policies
Non-adult Standard Level Classes Fees (GST not included)
- 30 minutes class, $16.17/class.
- 50 minutes/1 hour class, $22.44/class.
- 1 hour 20 minutes class, $28.95/class.
- 1 hour 50 minutes / 2 hours class, $36.99/class.
- 2 hour 50 minutes / 3 hours class, $50.28/class.
Non-adult Advanced Level Classes Fees (GST not included)
- 1 hour 20 minutes class, $30.49/class.
- 1 hour 50 minutes / 2 hours class, $39.21/class.
Adult Classes Fees (GST not included)
- 50 minutes/1 hour class, $20.79/class.
- 1 hour 20 minutes class, $22.89/class.
- 1 hour 50 minute class, $26.85/class.
- Drop in 10 pass, $264.4 (valid in 12 months since the purchase day, for adult yoga and adult physical training only).
- Drop in 5 pass, $138.2 (valid in 6 months since the purchase day, for adult yoga and adult physical training only).
Private Lesson Fees (GST not included)
- One on one lessons, $97.46/hour/person.
- One on two lessons, $85.92/hour/person.
- One on three lessons, $62.85/hour/person.
Other Fees
- A registration fee, $35 per person or $45 per family, is required when registering for non-adult classes. This fee is not refunded.
- Non-adult class fees include a $70 (dance prop is not included) dance costume fee. The school orders and transports costumes for students. Costumes are the students’ possessions after payment.
- Ballet and Chinese Dance Advanced Classes fees include an additional $130 (dance prop is not included) performance costume fee. All performance costumes are custom-made for the student. Costumes are the students’ possessions after payment.
- The costumes for all adult class students will be bought and transported by the students themselves. The members of a class and the teacher of the class stipulate the style of costume together. If you want the school to order and transport the costumes for you, the costume fee is $120 (includes administration and transportation costs).
Discount Policy
- For one student, the first class is full price, the second class in the same period is 2% off, the third class in the same period is 5% off, and the fourth and any additional classes are 10% off.
- For direct relatives (within 2 generations of the student), the first family member is regular price, the second family member in the same period will receive 2% off, the third family member in the same period will receive 5% off, and the fourth and any additional family members will receive 10% off.
- Class fees are ordered from highest to lowest; only one discount can be applied.
- Discounts are limited to class fees only. It cannot be applied to other fees such as registration fees, class attire fees, and performance costume fees.
- For adults classes based on terms, discounts are no longer applicable two weeks after the first class of the term.
- Students in Ballet and Chinese Dance for non-adult classes will receive free class attire if they register in the full school year class and pay for the fee all at once before August 31, 2024. The class attire for the standard level includes bodysuit, tights, and Ballet shoes. The class attire for the advanced level includes bodysuit, tights, ballet shoes, hoodie or jacket, and dance pants or dance skirts.
Other Policies
Policies for Trial Classes
- Each new student can choose up to 2 different free trial classes. Any additional trial classes will be $15 after the two free ones. Only one trial class per dance type is allowed.
Policies for Withdrawal Classes
- Students for non-adult classes may withdraw before Oct. 31, 2024. Please notify us via email 10 days in advance with the student’s name, class code, and reason for withdrawal. Withdrawals will not be accepted after Nov. 1, 2024.
- Students who register for non-adult classes after Nov. 1, 2024 are permitted to have one free trial class. Withdrawals will not be accepted after registration is confirmed.
- Withdrawals for adult classes (full year classes) will be accepted before Oct. 31, 2024. Please notify us via email 10 days in advance with the student’s name, class code, and reason for withdrawal. Withdrawals will not be accepted after Nov. 1, 2024.
- Withdrawals for adults who are registered in term classes (as opposed to full year classes) will not be accepted 2 weeks after the first class of the semester.
- Students who cannot continue their classes because of serious injury or disease need to provide a doctor's note. We will record credit for the classes the student cannot continue starting from the date on the doctor's note. The credit can be used for any payment in the dance school. The credit is not refundable.
- The following fees are not refundable when withdraw from a non-adult class:
- The registration fee $35 per person or $45 per family.
- If a student withdraws from a class and they received free class attire. The class attire fees $69.45 for the standard level or $120 for the advanced level will be removed when calculating the refund.
- If the student withdraws from classes and the costume has already been ordered, the costume fees $70 for the standard level or $130 for the advanced level will not be refunded.
- If a student withdraws from a class and they received a discount. The discount will be removed when calculating the refund (i.e. the fees for the classes taken will be calculated at the standard rate and subtracted from the amount to be refunded).
- The following fees are not refundable when withdraw from an adult class:
- A $35 administration fee will be charged for adult class withdrawals.
- If the student withdraws from classes and the costume has already been ordered, the costume fee will not be refunded.
- If a student withdraws from a class and they received a discount. The discount will be removed when calculating the refund (i.e. the fees for the classes taken will be calculated at the standard rate and subtracted from the amount to be refunded).
Policies for Absence and Make-up Classes
- To ensure mandatory attendance for each class, no credit, refund, or make-up classes are allowed if a student missed her/his class due to a personal reason.
- Students who miss their classes because of serious injury or disease need to provide a doctor's note. We will record credit for the classes the student missed from the date on the doctor's note. The credit can be used for any payment in the dance school. The credit is not refundable.
- If the instructors are not available to teach classes due to illness or other circumstances, we will arrange for substitute instructors. If substitute instructors are not available, the instructors will arrange for make-up classes. If make-up classes cannot be arranged, we will refund the fee for that class.
- For private lessons and Solo/Duet/Trio classes, students are responsible for contacting the school at least 5 hours in advance if they can't attend the class. There will be no make-up class, credit, or refund for any absences that were not communicated prior to the scheduled class.
Policies for Performances and Competitions
- The dance school organizes two formal theatre performances each school year. One is the Shiny Dancers International Dance Championship at the end of January, and the other one is the Year-end Recital in mid-June. Also, we occasionally participate in additional performances hosted by other organizations. For example, we participate in Lunar New Year celebrations in January and February and the Heritage Festival in early August.
- Except for Shiny Dancers and the year-end recital, opportunities for additional performances are limited and it is not guaranteed that every class can participate in such performances.
- When arranging additional performances, we will first select groups whose class times are same or close (5 hours before or after the performance considering the conditions such as doing make up, driving, etc.) to the performance. Secondly, we will try to balance opportunities for different groups (unless there are special stage needs or a certain type of classes must be arranged). We will try to avoid having the same group participate in too many additional performances within a short time.
- It is mandatory for students to participate in a performance if the performance time (except for Shiny Dancers and the year-end recital) is the same or close (5 hours before or after the performance) to the students’ normal dance class time. Students who do not participate in the performance will not be eligible for make up classes, credited, or refunds.
- If the performance time (except for Shiny Dancers and year-end recital) is different from the normal class time (e.g. not on the class day), we will talk to parents before confirming our participation. If more than two-thirds of the total number of students in the class want to perform, we will make the necessary arrangements.
- If the performance time (except for Shiny Dancers and year-end recital) is not the same or close to the students' regular class time, we will not charge extra fees for leading the team to participate in the performance. If the performance (except Shiny Dancers and year-end performances) coincides with or is similar to the normal class time, the normal class will be canceled and no make-up classes, credits or refunds will be made.
Policies for Ballet and Chinese Dance Advanced Level Students Attending Competitions.
- In addition to the above performances and competitions, Ballet and Chinese Dance advanced level students will participate in more dance competitions, such as Evolve, Dance Power, View, Fever, etc.
- It is compulsory for Ballet and Chinese Dance advanced level students to participate in competitions. Competition times are usually announced about two weeks in advance.
- Ballet and Chinese Dance advanced level students who participate in competitions are required to pay the registration fees required by the competition.
- If the competition time (except for Shiny Dancers and year-end recital) is not the same or close to the students' regular class time, we will not charge extra fees for leading the team to participate in the competitions. If the competitions (except Shiny Dancers and year-end performances) coincides with or is similar to the normal class time, the normal class will be canceled and no make-up classes, credits or refunds will be made.
Policies for Year-end exams and Parents Watching Classes
- The dance school will have an end-of-year examination and parent watching class in April of each school year. The class times for exam classes may differ from regular class times and lengths. If the duration is longer than the usual class time, no additional fees will be charged. If the duration is shorter than the usual class time, there will be no make-up lessons, credit, or refunds.
Studio Rules
- Please follow the dress code for dance classes (for Ballet and Chinese Dance only).
- Please do not be late for the classes. If you are late, please enter the studios quietly and do not disturb other students.
- Bringing food and beverages (other than water) into the studios is strictly prohibited.
- It is strictly forbidden to hang on the Ballet bar.
- Please do not run or shout in the studios.
- All students are required to respect your teachers and classmates.
- Please notify the dance school in advance if you will be missing a class.
- Parents should not enter the studios and disturb the teacher and students during classes.
- Parents are required to supervise their children outside of class time and are responsible for picking up and dropping off their children on time.
- Please take off your shoes and put them on the shoe rack when you enter the dance school. Please avoid leaving shoes on the carpet beside the door.
- Please take care of your belongings. Any items lost in the studios are not the dance school's responsibility. We will put the items found in the studios into the lost and found box.
- Please do not take photos and videos during the classes.
About Us
780 885 0603